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Christy Walsh

Welcome!  I am Christy the owner of CLUB STRENGTH.  I am thrilled to invite you to Join The Club!  I am an NASM Personal Trainer,  NASM Nutrition Coach , and an accredited Cognitive Behavior Mindset Coach.  I have been Coaching USA Competitive Gymnastics for 20+ years, and most importantly, I am a MOM of 2.

I have decided that its time to put all my knowledge and experience in one place, and offer it to WOMEN like you...and their KIDS!


CLUB STRENGTH offers in person Personal Training (at home or at location in Eloquence Dance Center, Littleton, MA), Online Nutrition Coaching, Online Individual Training Programs,  Summer CLUB sessions, and more!  We can work together to make a package that is right for you. 

I have a commitment to developing not only a STRONG BODY,  but also a STRONG MIND.  I believe we need both to be truly happy and healthy.


I am also accepting new Mindset Coaching clients.  During these Mindset Coaching sessions, I work with Kids, Teens and College Athletes  on Goal Setting,  Confidence,  Overcoming Fear,  Positive Self Talk ,  Competition Readiness, and many other parts of the puzzle that complete a HEALTHY athlete.  After all,  you need a STONG BODY and a STRONG MIND to be productive and successful in any sport!


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